Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac is also available as part of the Office 365 for Mac subscription services, which use a software as a service model and are intended for home and business users alike. Microsoft Office 2016 15.41 for Mac is a collection of the most powerful office application to manage all the types of documents, spreadsheets, presentations as well as eMails. > I am planning to leave out that .volume pkg from the base install and fix the license with a separate pkg that installs the license file only.Download Microsoft Office 2016 for Mac latest version free offline setup for Mac OS. > /bin/rm -rf "$2/Microsoft Office Setup Assistant.app" > /usr/bin/sudo -u $USER "$volumelicense_exe_path" > volumelicense_exe_path="$2/Microsoft Office Setup Assistant.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Office Setup Assistant" > It has annoyingly stupid solution in it's postinstall script: > And the suspected reason for the problem is in the volume licensing activator pkg (.volume). postinstall: _RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL. > Aug 11 13:41:17 installd: PackageKit: Executing script "./postinstall" in /private/tmp/PKInstallSandbox.kLqkyJ/Scripts/.volume.NSHH45 > My installer running over loginwindow was hanging here: > anyone else testing MS Office 2016 Volume licensed version deployments? > On Tuesday, Augat 6:25:10 AM UTC-5, MiqViq wrote: If you are anyone has any further questions, please move this to munki-discuss.

For our testing users, I'm opting for Option A, but I may change my CCXML pkginfo or move to Option B/C as they are faster deployments. > No one knows if anything beyond option D is a "support installation". > Complain to Microsoft and let them know they should fix this. Deploy the current Office 365 package (which contains all current updates and all additional packages, minus _volume). Deploy the updated Microsoft packages only. Use LaunchAgent/postinstall to trust the Microsoft AU application. Create a package and deploy the licensing file. Use a ChoiceChangesXML key in the pkginfo to remove _volume from being installed, preventing the loginwindow issue. On a VM/test machine, activate it and grab the generated license from /Library/Preferences. Several of us have worked through the problem in a few ways.